Time to Move On? Really?

I believe I’m doing quite well in my efforts to move on with my life. However there are still challenges, one of which has been particularly evident lately. I lost my wife 23 months ago; close to two years. Right after her passing, and the subsequent few months following, friends and family were so supportive, reaching out to gird me up, for which I will be eternally grateful. However, many of those who grieved with me in the beginning have returned back to their normal lives.

Of course, the wound of loss was not near as deep for them, as they were not connected to Malinda’s soul like I was. They started to lose the intensity of their concern for me, even though they still loved me dearly. They feel that I, too, should be moving on. I don’t feel like I can call them to express grief anymore. I don’t feel as though I can shed tears in front of them as easily as I once did. It’s not their fault; they don’t know. They can’t know.


We as grievers need to keep in mind that many of our friends and family still love us dearly, and have our best interest in mind. Most of them don’t/can’t understand because they haven’t experienced the type of loss you have. Truth be known, NOBODY can understand just what you are going through because they are not you. You are the only one who has felt the individual closeness you had for your loved one.


The most important thing to remember is that you are deeply loved by the one you are missing. They see you, hear you and feel your pain. They know, however, that you’ll be with them shortly, and want nothing more than for you to be happy in the meantime.